Make IT


ITM, a company specializing in precision instruments and calibration, was splitting off from their parent company. They needed to build a new infrastructure capable of connecting multiple locations and supporting a mobile workforce by enabling secure access to a central business environment. To avoid costly downtime, they needed the new system to enable them to transition swiftly and perform reliably.


Make IT designed and implemented a cost-effective solution built on Microsoft Hyper-V 2012, with clustered server hosts and iSCSI attached storage. The solution included an email collaboration suite, remote desktop access to a ERP and suite of office tools, remote access to a VPN, and network and VoiP connectivity for all offices. The entire system was designed to be a turnkey solution that could be maintained by the ITM IT staff with minimal support from Make IT.


A highly available and redundant virtualized server and network environment gave ITM Instruments unmatched system security and reliability while enabling the organization to connect and collaborate effectively. Each office can access business resources, while individual employees can access their desktops from any location. Built and configured by Make IT in Calgary, the entire system was designed to reach ITM’s Montreal headquarters ready to “plug and play,” with only data migration required to get the organization up and running.